Sunday, November 30, 2008

Okay,here is the thing,I said before that the next time when people tagged me they need to get naked but of course they wont accept the challenge.So,what the heck,I just accept the tag without cost or whatsoever.

1.what's your most favourite colour?
Answer:A hard one.Usually when I go out,I prefer black but that doesn't mean I love that colour.Maybe bright colour

2.Who is the most important to you?
Answer:Family and homeslice

3.How often do you think of committing suicide?
Answer:When I'm not in a good mood or during PMS,or when teacher start to give me weird project or when cik halizan ask me to answer the question

4.Do you think you have enough confidence?
Answer:No,I dont think so but when I'm with my family and friend,I sure did!

5.Who would you be if you were in a movie?
Answer:Audrey Hepburn,breakfast at Tiffany's.Yeah right!

6.Spouse,family and friend.If they drop into the river,and you can only save one of them,who would you save?
Answer:A question that I would never answer.

7.What is your goal for this year?
Answer:To be a better person! but I dont think I've achieved it

8.Do you believe in eternity love?
Answer:I do believe it but I do doubt it sometimes.

9.Do you think the people who tag you love to play kidnapping?
Answer:Owhhh yeah,she love to kidnap cats.

10.What are you really afraid of?
Answer:I would say Allah,my parent when they get angry,my sibling when they are not in a good mood,lola when she mad at me and cik halizan enzan yang moodnye sering tak stabil

11.What is you habbit?
Answer:So many to think of!

12.What's you opinion of distance love?
Answer:I've seen it and I believe in it but I dont want to be in it.It is hard for me to trust guys.You might think they like us but actually they just like the chase.

13.Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
Answer:I will try my best to cherish them but I'm just a human,I cant cherish every single of them.

14.What does flying means to you?
Answer:An aeroplane

15.Who do you hate the most?
Answer:Ask my mom and lola.;-)

16.Do you think world is changing?maybe your friend is changing?
Answer:Yes,I do believe that world is changing and yeah they are getting prettier.

17.Describe the person who tagged you in 7 sentences/words?
Answer:She is cute,hugable,lovely,pretty,cute voice,nice smile,smart and I could go on and on.But you want only 7!

18.How do you spend your time when it rain outside?
Answer:Watching DVD movie or maybe I will open my window and feel the breeze.Uwwwwww!

19.What are you proud of the most about you?
Answer:okay,it might not be about me but I have a perfect family and friends!

20.Do you regret anything?
Answer:I did!!

I would love to tag:

1.miss lola
2.miss makiyo
3.miss sammy
4.miss zoey
5.miss rachel
6.miss hanisah

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Today,he come back with his happy face looks like he just won a lottery and say he feeling so grateful.Okay,as his little sister,I'm so happy and proud of him.Finally,my brother is back.No wonder lately,he become so emotional.It is because of his presentation which if he fail,he need to redo it.And,he say

abg ajim:Aku lulus presentation tu,hahahaha

me:patutla muka gembira

abg ajim:pergi panaskan lauk untuk bachelor ni!*freaking proud


I'm so happy for him.This past few weeks,he did not laugh to my jokes and he keep on marah me.and maybe my jokes is not funny at all.He face looks so dumb and angry like those kids which have so many anger inside their heart and think that suicide will solve their problem.Let just say,his face looks like camel.
Freaking annoying!

I thought he was having PMS but wait his a guy.Where got PMS?My mom say maybe he have some problem with his girlfriend.Hahaha,mother love to gossip also.Perez hilton like us.Always gossiping!Stop the wondering already since now I know the answer.

Oh yeah, about spm,today is the last paper for science stream student.I wonder what my cousin doing right now?*Thinking about next year!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I need mr.asimo!The robot look so fun!I want it to accompany me at home during this school holiday.I am so bored.I got nothing to do.I have enough rest.I dont want to bother my friend because I'm afraid if they might think I'm such a penyibuk.So,online is what I do to resist the boringness.I must say,I'm scared to log in facebook.Dont want to tell you why.I'm scared if the person read this blog and will think I'm so langsi.but will tell you if you insist.Hehehe

I dont know what to do.I better study then let my time waste doing something that's not worth it.
I feel like working but ayah didnt allow me to.My brother is mad at me because I take his IC withour his permission.My bad,I know.I dont know why he is so not in a good mood.Tired of working,perhaps?

Guys,please do tell me what I should do during this school holiday.Beside study,eating,sleep......

I have no life and I keep on complaining.Everybody is sick of it.*sigh

Monday, November 24, 2008

I dont know but I am so eager to share with my friend this video.

I am seriously dont know if some of you already know this song but I love it.The way she express her feelings through the lyrics makes me so emo after I watch this video.

I dont mind if you hate it but If you like it give me a hug.Hahahahaa

The funny thing is,I dont think the video got anything to do with the song.Maybe it is just me.

I feel like watching this video with my bestie.*I watch to much drama
Me and my mom just finish our lunch and I thought I can relax after that.Unfortunately,silly old me forget to bring my keys and my mom also forget to bring her keys.So,she needs to go back to her office and take the keys.Oh my god,her driving is worst that vin diesel in the pacifier movie.I almost want to puke when I'm in the car.She drive so fast and I'm in the car keep on "jumping" like in the roller coaster because the quality of the jalan is worst than my kampung punya jalan*bahasa rojak.Mmmmmmm,nyum3.wth

I arrive at home and I feel like bow down to my knee and shout "LANDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD".Hahahaha.But I dont do it because I dont want my mom to think me as a dramaqueen.Hehehehe

So here I am,alive and feel a lot better.Blogging about my mom's driving me crazy.Bahahahha

Owhhhh,yeah.I heard sammy got Rm 84 and sammy you better belanja me or I'll post your nude picture.Just kidding.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Yesterday,Lola,Alyaa,Makiyo and Aisyah which in short it will become LAMA*Clap-clap
watch this Japanese movie title "10 promises to my dog" which at first makiyo is wondering is there such movie.Hahahaha.Me and her keep on changing our mind and at last we decided to watch this movie.

This movie is not so badla even though there's only 8 people in the cinema.Imagine 2 pair of couple and 4 of us.Must say,that we are the loud one in the cinema.The couple only god knows what they are doing at the back.But there this one girl who crying very emotionally and the boyfie try to calm her down by hugging her and wipe her tears.We got to watch free movie.Hahahhaa.And,I go "awwwww,how sweet" when I see that.Guess what,she is not the only one me,lola and aisyah (who started crying from the beginning of the story that makes me LOL and end up I'm crying too) cry too.The end part is so sad.I feel it because it reminds me of my cat call "Machap".It is a very weird name but we love it because it so fatty and very cute.I miss my "little brother".

Well,I guess it's not like we are the only crying.There are some reviews I read which this user said that she cry like hell.I feel you girl.T_T

Synopsis of the story

Akari is a 14-year-old schoolgirl living in Japan's northern island of Hokkaido. One day, a puppy wanders into her yard, looking lost and frightened. She is a Golden Retriever with white paw markings. Akari names her Socks. Akari's mother consents to her keeping the dog but only after she agrees to keep 10 Promises to Socks . Akari enthusiastically assents and the two begin their journey of growing up together. Akari finds herself having to overcome many changes and challenges: the tragedy of her mother's death, father's sudden resignation, coming-of-age, first romantic feelings, career ambitions and her independence. But at every step, Socks is there to provide unquestioning love and support.

The poster:

Awww,the puppy so cute.Look at the eye.

All of us agree that this 14 year old Akari looks like makiyo and we all cry when the dog die

10 years later

After the crying,we go get something to eat and camera whoring.I wonder why they call it camera whoring.Why not posing instead of whoring.

I dont know what Makiyo tell Aisyah.But what I am sure is me and Lola is not looking at the camera
The 3 beautiful girls
You know how I love candid picture.Ngeh3
Sleepy aisyah,the poyo me and the I dont know what she look at lola

Laughing at makiyo and aisyah jokes.Thanks to lola who takes this picture secretly
Aisyah try to shoot me and the sexy awek mini skirt makiyo

And this time I am the only one who looks at the camera!
The 14 years old akari is in malaysia now.Hahahaha
Samseng and gaster
No comment.Hehehehe
The best of friend lola and me

So,after that my ayah called and asked me to meet him at Lot 10.It was raining and my girls run so fast and find place to avoid the rain.And makiyo said "alyaa cant feel anything because she's wearing tudung".Hahahaha.It is right.We run baby run until we reach lot 10 and I was laughing so loud until there this one mat saleh looking at me.Hehehehe

But that doesnt stop us to cam whoring again.My girls looks "wet and wild".Yeah,baby.*wth

Girls just wanna have fun!Hahaahhaha

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Itis funny though at that time I did not appreciate what she did for me.It takes her ages to finish this and all I can say is thank you.Pffffffttt,bitchy me!Slap me for being so rude.I only put this for 2 weeks only in my profile and myspace so stupid it automatically erase it and I lost the code.

I am sorry that I didnt appreciate what you give to me and I am regret of what I do.At that time,I dont realise it until now.Maybe at that time,I am so empty and I am this bimbo,blur2 type of girl.


This is my best of friend,najlaa or lola.She do this for me and I am so sombong like didnt appreciate it.If only I know how many of her ex want her to do this for them.heheheheheehhe

Friday, November 14, 2008

My life

7.06 a.m:wake up and realize Sarah mother wait for me outside to pick me up like she always.I forget to tell her that I am not going to school today.So,I turun the tangga and my father was like shock and he realize that sarah mother is outside.So he help tell her that I am not going to school.Gomenasai ya!

7.10 a.m:Go back to sleep and I cannot sleep.I have this "wake up and cannot sleep back" syndrome.I force myself to sleep

7.30 a.m:I'm getting fed'up and wake up.Go downstairs and switch on the TV.I was hoping to watch the "whose line is it anyway" show but it is not showing.

8.00 am:Switch on the computer.Nothing interesting.Same old thing.No mood to update blog since my brain still "sleeping".

9.00 a.m:I realise that if I keep on playing with the computer I will die.So,decided to watch full house.

9.30 a.m:I am hungry.I start to goreng the chicken drumet and nugget.I just brush my teeth.Thanks god my dad didnt know about it or else he will lecture me.

10.30 a.m:start feeling sleepy and I sleep.

11.30 a.m:The phone ringing and it was my mom.Ask me to call my dad.Going back to sleep for the 3rd time.Cannot sleep no more.

12.00 a.m:Mandi and wait for my mom to come back with mcd

1.15 p.m:Mom come back.Feel so happy.Watching the Ghostbusters II movie.So damn funny

3.00 p.m:I almost die because I am so bored.So,I decide to update my blog

Going through blog to blog,I realize that my shoe size the biggest among my friend which also mean that I have big feet.It takes ages for me to find the right shoes.Mother said that my shoes look like sampan.That is why I cannot wear high heels.Imagine my big feet and high heels.I'll look like a freak.

Oh yeah this women also face the same problem:Kate Winslet, Neve Campbell, Whoopi Goldberg, Paris Hilton, Geena Davis, Uma Thurman.

I've found this on the internet and they say:
* Big feet give you secure footing. Like a tree with very deep roots. You don't fall, slip or trip over so easily.

* Big feet give you athletic ability. To run and anchor you firmly in place.

* Big feet help you kick ass. So the next time some schmuck behind a counter gives you a hard time for your feet, clobber them with one.*Friend if you need me to kick someone ass,I'll be happy to help.

* Big feet ARE more functional than fashionable. But DON'T be afraid to paint your nails, wear sandals, get pedicures and run barefoot on the beach.

and I feel like a tree right now.

Monday, November 10, 2008

I got tagged by sammy long time ago and makiyo.Cannot live in peace.

Next time,whoever tagged me they are going to get naked.Hahahahhaa.Kidding

Starting time = 1.35 PM
Name = Alyaa Izzati Binti Aminuddin
Sisters = No
Brothers = Yes and annoying too
Shoe size = I have big feet(10).Feel like Santa Claus*wtf
Where do you live =Springfield and I have weird neighbour that look very yellowish but very famous though
Favorite drink = Apple juice
Favorite breakfast =Egg sandwich
Have you been on a plane = Yes
Swam in the ocean = Yes.
Fallen asleep in school = Yes accept during add math class.No matter how sleepy I am,I'll try my best to control it.
Broken someone’s heart =Mommy?Yes.
Fell of your chair = Yes, of course.Who doesnt?
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call =No way!
Saved e-mails = Yes
What is your room like = Dont know.My mom said It looks like sarang tikus!
What is the last thing you ate = Nasi lemak

~Ever had~
Chicken pox = Yes
Stitches = No
Broken nose = Hell no.I aint mat rempit
Do you believe in love at first sight =Yes
Like picnics = Yes because I can see hot guy.Freaking hansab
Who was the last person you danced with = Dont know.
Last person who made you smile =
My 1st bro.I cant believe it
~Today did you~
Talked to someone you like = Yes
Kissed anyone = No
Get sick =Sick of TV
Talked to an ex =Nope.
Missing someone =Nope
Best feeling in the world = No,I am so empty
Do you sleep with stuffed animals =YES
What’s under your bed = Nothing.Maybe a dead cockroach
What time is it now = 1:45 P.M

Random Questions
Q: is there a person on your mind right now = Nobody
Q: do you have any siblings =Yes
Q: do you want children = I do
Q: do you smile often =Not really,I dont want people to think I'm crazy
Q: do you like your hand-writing = Okayla.I know it's ugly and very round but IDC.
Q: are your toes painted =No
Q: whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in = My parent
Q: what colour shirt are you wearing = Blue.I've got the monday blues
Q: what were you doing at 7.00 yesterday =In the morning.Sleepingla,of course
Q: I can’t wait till = I go to indonesia with my family and till I've got my new camera
Q: when did you cry last = Yesterday because of the stupid camera problem
Q: are you a friendly person =Maybe
Q: do you have any pets = Yes but I dont consider it as a pet because I love to bully it.
Q: where is the person you have feelings for right now = I dont have feeling for anyone.Owhh maybe Changmin is at home sleeping.Awwwww
Q: did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now =Yes of course she's my mom
Q: do you sleep with the TV on = Yes.I love it
Q: what are you doing =Nothing
Q: have you ever crawled to your mother or father = Used to when I was baby.I can walk properly now.
Q: can you handle the truth = Sometimes
Q: are you closer to your mother or father =Both
Q: who was the last person you cried in front of =Mirror.Hahaha
Q: how many people can you say you’ve really loved =Many and every single of them is special
Q: do you eat healthy =Not really.
Q: do you still have pictures with you and your ex =Nope
Q: have you ever cried because of something someone said to you = Yes.
Q: how often do you go to church =Wrong question.I'm a muslim
Q: if you’re having a bad day, who are you mostly likely to go to =Friends
Q: are you loud or quiet most of the times =Depend on the situation but mostly loud
Q: are you confident =So-sola
Q: 5 things I was doing ten years ago = Having fun and dont care about anything
Q: 5 snacks I enjoy = 2 only.Potato chips and Ice cream
Q: 5 things I would do if I were a billionaire = I will do so many things with it.Donate it,belanja my parent ,go to france with my family,buy car for me and parent and buy new house for them.
Q: 5 of my bad habit = Complaining,get angry easily,always think negative,always take thing easily,believe in people easily
Q: 5 places I’ve lived in = My house,my room,kampungku,hotel and friend house
Q: 5 people tat u tagged = Lola,sammy,zoey,rachel and kak hanisah.

Watching the Ellen DeGeneres show today.She is so funny and spontaneous.

I remember she said very funny but don't know what is it.I always so forgetful.Sorry!

Now only I know that it was actually groupies not boobies.I thought they were saying "I wanna have boobies" which make me go =.=" when I heard it.Then today Ellen ask her "is it groupies or boobies" the Nicole said "its actually groupies".I was like "owhhhhhh now I know!".Laughing at myself.*hak3.If you don't know what the hell am I saying its actually about the PCD new song,when I grow up!*freaking poyo.Better just shoot me for being so poyo

Listening to the Britney spears,womanizer and it makes me feel like dancing.
I love the lyric.I think that song is for her stupid ex-husband,K-Fed.
Finally,Britney look like herself again after all the drama she've been through.I used to be her biggest fan but after she start to become a bad girl and married to the asshole guy,I think she is not like herself again.BUT now she've changed and me likey*lol

This song make you want to sing it to your ex-boyfriend and kick his ass after that.*LOL.
I dont know about you but this is what I feel about the song.*Ngeh3

Okay,that's all for now.I'm bored and dont know what to do.

I know you're sick of me complaining I'm bored but I cant help it.I love to complain.Hahahahahha

Friday, November 7, 2008

Well,I'm bored so I go and check my friend list in myspace.Check their profile,photo and anything that I feel like looking at.

Suddenly,I start to tell myself that this people never grown up.If only I know why I think that way.

Is it because I am jealous or I am to poyo to think that I am fully grown up when I am actually not.Ngeh3

So,I guess they are too cool to me.What can I say,from the picture they are perfect but some people said "picture lie".It is true.You can do anything to hide your pimple and fix anything on your face.I have to admit,I am like that too.Trying hard too look perfect in picture but now I feel is like I am hiding myself and at the same time ashamed of myself.Now I try to not over edit my picture.DONE!*gosh alyaa so poyola today

Well,I dont like to take photo in my baju kurung because I will look F-A-T.Well,I am actually.Blaming the baju kurung pulak.Ngeh3.But seriously,in photo when I'm in my baju kurung I look like hippopotamus!Big butt and tummy look like I am 3 month pregnant.T_T

A lot of my friend,said they want to diet and keep fit during this school holiday and I dont know what to do during this school holiday.I do care about my weight but I get insane when I eat.I dont care.No matter how many times my dad ask me to exercise,I just pretend like he was saying alyaa keep on eating.Hahaahha

Just now,my mom come and said

mom:yaa,mak baru habis tengo cerita jepun.Best...

me:owhhhhh,yeke*I'm just pretend to listen to her

mother:Yaaa,genki de suka tu apa?


mom:apa khabar*she sound so proud




mother:*keep quite.IDK why,I think she is suprise that I actually know!


me:entah.*look at my mom,Waiting for the answer

mother:Eh,apa ek?Mak dah lupala


mother:Eh,dictionary jepun tu mana?

me:*Nervous and I keep on laughing


me:keep on laughing

mother:dah hilang!

me:keep on laughing

mother;Haih,ingatkan dah master rupanya dah hilang

I'm so annoyed!Just because she is my mom,I sabar.If not,I will reply "Bite me".Hahahaha
My mom is the type of woman once she obsessed with something she will keep on digging to find the information or the answer.My god,The dictionary dah hilang for about 2 years and suddenly now she ask after watching that japanese movie.

Now I know how sher leen feel when her mom keep on asking her about the "come on,come on" song.

I dont know why people always swith off the lampu bilik air while I mandi.I think is because I mandi terlalu senyap and they think there's nobody in the toilet.Next time,I will sing loudly in the toilet so that they realize that I'm inside the toilet.

*Sigh.I am so out of topic.At first,I talk about my brain that always think some people never grown up to my mom annoyed me and now people always switch off the lampu bilik air while I mandi.My karangan so goodla.Gahahaha

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Today,I am not going to school.So happy.All my tired is gone.

I think so much today and I cant wait to write it.

This 2 month,I learn so many things.

I learn that you can be friend with so many people but not all of them can be "friend" to your secret.

I learn that some friend will you use you if you be really nice to them

Some friend will betray you

I know now that guy love to gossip

I learn to be friendly with people

I learn to be patient eventhough sometime I loose it

I know that some people dont like my attitude

I learn to think that if the people hate you, just let it be.Because in the end we will die anyway.And at that time what is important is our deeds to god

I start to listen to those screamo song and it was great.

I learn that so many people judge other by their face.

I must say here,that I will be nice to you if you be nice to me.I will treat you bad if you treat me bad.I will be patient but my patient has its limit.

The other day,there this one guy.He shout my friend name and me and my friend was actually going to pour some water in the pale.So,my friend go to him.I just stop and that guy was doing something with his hand.Showing the shuhhhhh........shuhhhhhhhh signal.

Oh my god,how rude can you be.I feel like shouting to him say "gosh,you think I really wanna know what you tell to her.Excuse me,I dont even want to know.Don shuhhhh....shuhhhhhh me.I am not chicken you pig".Hahahahaaha.I fell like saying that to him but I control it.

Just because I am not your friend does not mean you can be rude to me.

I hate people who treat those ugly people like me in a bad way.I mean we are gods creation too.No matter how ugly we are,god only look at one thing which is our deeds.You dont have the right to treat us that rude.

I am not popular in the school.So what?never wish to be .

I'm the ugliest in the school.I dont give a damn about it!

I cant take the fact that some teacher is also "pilih bulu".Some teacher only look at the beautiful student and leave me as the ugliest kid invisible.But seriously,I dont care.

Wanna know something?What goes around comes around.Sooner or later you will feel how I feel.

I'm not trying to be so "merendah diri" in this blog but this is how I feel and see.

I admit I have low self esteem but now I am trying to fix it.

I read najlaa blog and I feel so touched when she write she cannot live without me beside the internet and other stuff.Gosh,I almost burst to tears.*sob......sob........sob





LOVE YOU SAYANG!Hehehehehehe
Guys,I'm sorry about the picture.

I seriously dont know what the hell is wrong with my blog.

I've upload it but I dont know why it is not showing.