Monday, September 29, 2008

This Wednesday will be raya day.Oh boy,so excited.I have to admit I am the excited one in my family.Next year,will be great because all of my family kena bagi duit raya to me.Hak3.This year everyone accept for my 2nd brother but next year he also need to give.Gahahahha

But,I am a bit sad because most of my friend they all balik kampung.So,only me alone belum balik kampung.I'm going to balik kampung on the 2nd day of raya.Hehehhe.Not so excitedla because there's nobody accept for some relatives because my grandma and grandpa have past away, T_T.

Hurmmmm,I cant wait for my Best friend to come to my house.I hope they didnt get lost or stuck somewhere.Hehehehe.I would like to advice you guys to keep your stomach empty(that is what my mother said)or else you cant enjoy the food.

Okayla,I have nothing to say actually.Just mumbling here to waste my time.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Yeahhhhhhhhhhh*shouting like a crazy woman

I am so happy because of the school holiday and raya is around the corner.*ngeh3

I can hear my heart pumping so fast because I am so excited.

I love the feeling of bagun pagi raya because it makes me feel so peaceful and cool.

When I come down from the stairs,I can hear my mom periuk tang.....ting....tung.... and I'll go to the kitchen with my sleepy face look at the dishes.The wake me up better than the alarm clock.Hehehe.I love to eat.....

After that,I will do my duty to put the kuih inside the jar and eat a bit without brushing my teeth.*I know it sound disgusting but that one of my bad habbit that I cant buang.

Well,I want to write more but I am so lazy to do it.

This year is a bit different for me because sher leen,samantha,tien hoong,sze jing,rachel and suvitha will come to my house.*So excited.
Want to see their reaction when they eat the lontong,rendang,ketupat,lemang,sambal sotong and sambal kacang.Hehehehe

Today,is a good day for me.No homework.*phewhhhhhhhhh

I also receive raya card from my darling suk koon and my cheerful friend,aina....

Suk koon card

I dont know whether you can read it or not but the word is very sweet.She call me honey!*so excited

Yesterday,I receive raya card from my bestie afiqah

Afiqah card

I love you guys.........................<3333333333333

Monday, September 22, 2008

I probably shouldn't say this but it have been annoyed me like hell when I think about it.

So,today during history class,I kena marah dgn cikgu yang sangat poyo and seriously I hate him....

The teacher said I talk so much but actually Aina was marah me because I terambil kertas dia and I said sorry in a very slow tone but then suddenly this teacher looking at me and said I talk so much and keep looking at me like want to eat me.What is wrong with that teacher?

He always cakap anak murid dia bodohla and then lebih baik masuk kelas belakang.Apasal pulak?As a teacher you shouldn't say like this to your student.Yeah,I know you are not trying to be hypocrite but you take your unhypocrite manner way too far man......

I can complain about you to JPWP but as a good girl I wont do that or else you tak dapat gaji nak beli baju raya. He teach us sejarah but keep on telling us about luar negara and keep on berlagak about him being here and there....Blerkkkkkkkkk

Saturday, September 20, 2008

I got flu.....

So tak tahan you know especially when you are puasa.*sigh

Today,I go to sungei wang to buy baju raya.Hehehhe.So funla.I go around the sungei wang to find something that I like.I dont know why but I'm a bit fassy today*woi,poyola.......

Najlaa was sms-ing me.She ask "ko dekat mana?" and I replied "".Suddenly she call me and ask which floor am I.I said I am somewhere around watson.Then,I go around and around to find her and yeah, I saw this one girl with knitted snowcap.It was najlaa....

I langgar her and she was like 'Eh,mana kau tahu aku kat sini" and I said "ko punya suara tu kuat...." Hahahhaa.I am so bad.She ask me about her knitted snowcap and I said you look like you suffering from leukimea.I am so bad and I'm sorryla najlaa.....

I said to her that I need to find something since I dont buy anything accept for jeans.I must say the salesboy at Romp are very langsi kinda typeoJust because I dont want to buy your jeans doesnt mean that you can make your annoying faces to me.Who are you?Hellooooo,I'm your customer,you should respect me......

I try the romp jeans and it so ugly.The jeans make me looks like a mushroom.Gahahhaa
So,I ask my father to go to levi's store and jeng....jeng...jeng I finally found the type of jeans that I like,Straight cut baby!Hehehhehe.I do like skinny and bell bottom jeans but I prefer straight cute.*ngeh......

I jalan2 some more because I actually was looking for shoes but I have this phobia on buying shoes.I have BIG FEET.

The first thing that I ask when I enter the shoe store is the size.If the bigger size is 38 I will just say "oh,thank you!".If they say 40 I will try.hehehhee

But instead I finally found one jacket but half type of jacket.It is kinda nice to me.I ask the amoi to give me cheap2 price and she give me 60 because the original price is 69.90.So i buyla the jacket.

Enoughla talking about this thing or else suvitha will said "alyaa can you write something interesting in your blog".Hahahhahaa

Friday, September 19, 2008

Freaking weirdla typing using this laptop.Since my computer got "heart attack" already and it need to need to be sent to the "hospital".God bless it!Hahahahha
So,I need to find another alternative by using my brother laptop.Hahahhaa.It feel so weird typing with this laptop.It is so thin and it annoys me.*I love to complain
The best thing about this laptop is it got webcam.Apa lagi,I playla with this webcam.So syok you know.*Poyo......

Blur face

Trying to look cute.Blerghhhhhh

I was shock!!!!!!

I dont know what to say about this video.

Okay,what you think about it? It is quite funny for me when I see my reaction in this video.Hahahhaa

Friday, September 12, 2008

I feel so weird.......

I dont know but lately I keep on hearing the word "death".I told sarha about it and she said "aku rasa nenek aku dah nak meninggal!" and I pause for quite a while.Then I ask her why,she said "dia tu macam dah buang tabiat(insane)".I just laugh.......

But why in the world this week I always heard the word death?I am scared.I dont know why.......

Haih,dont carela.....

This monday,will be 2 weeks for the muslim to fast.I'm so happy.I seriously cant wait for the raya to come.I miss raya song.I miss raya comercial and what I miss the most is "angpau lai-lai".

This afternoon,I take najlaa picture at the Persatuan pekak malaysia since it is so near our school.This photo is for her project.So,after school me and najaa go to this place and we wait until there is no car because we dont want them to think us as weird or insane people.Hahaha

So,we wait and wait until all the car gone.So,we go to the place look for the signboard and yes,we've found the signboard.Then,Come this one avanza and park at the signboard.He look at me and najlaa.We both cannot tahan but to laugh .I dont know what is running in that uncle mind but it must something that got to with the word "crazy".Gahahaaha.....

Atless,I manage to take 1 photo because after 1 shoot the uncle come.*sigh

That's all for now....will update tomorrow.I'm going to sembahyang terawih now,sayonara!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Haiyaaaa,so busy la during this fasting month.Hahahhahaha

Samantaha ask me since I tell her that I barely online during this fasting month and she ask

Samantha:Why you cannot online during this fasting month?

Me:I'm so busy during this month.

Yeah,this is my busiest month ever.I'm tired and I didn't get enough sleep since I need to wake up like 5 a.m to sahur.After that,bathing and go to school.I can sleep after school but not on Tuesday,Thursday and Friday though,I need to go to tuition.*Sigh

After that,need to help my mom to prepare for the buka puasa.Then,buka puasa.Then,go to sembahyang terawih until 10.30.Arrive at home around 10.35.Then,makan a bit because I usually makan sikit during buka puasa.Hehehhehe.Then,ZzzzZzZZZZzZzZZZZzZ.

But it is good though because I dont really feel hungry during this fasting month.Hahahaha