Sunday, July 10, 2011


I'm on hiatus for so long.Actually,I didnt have any topic to talk about in my blog.There's nothing "special" things or event happen during my one and a half month holiday.But I was about to express my opinion on the rally happen yesterday.

I wake up around 10 in the morning and all i think about "must turn on the news to see about the illegal rally".As I watch the news,the rally haven't started yet.The police guarded at the "hot spot" with FRU.I was thinking "hurmm,nothing will happen today". Thinking about that make me happy.Why?Because all this rally will scare the tourist and the investors .Not for long .1 o'clock news shows the rally has started and most of the place the rally happen is where most of the tourist are going.

As a malaysian,I'm mad and sad because of all the things thats happening.I love my country and it is a very peaceful and beautiful country.You are free to go he here are and there.But because of this rally people are scared to go out and there was massive traffic jams in several roads.This people on the roads are complaining saying that this rally has disturbed their activities.Let say,I've to visit someone in the hospital and I'm not from KL and I stuck in traffic for more than 4 hours.If private hospital is okay but government hospital,the visiting hour until 5 pm.

To make it worst.this rally news come out in BBC,CNN AND the new york post.I want to know why they held this rally in the city.There are many tourist there.If I'm one of the tourist,I'll be scare to come to malaysia again.If you want to speak up,speak up but dont make any chaos.Do you know how many shops owner loss their income yesterday?Some more its Saturday where most of the people go out to shops.

Let me speak this in bahasa

Yang ramai join perhimpunan haram tu pun student.Aku tak boleh nak cakap apalakan.Tapi korang tu belajar pakai duit siapa?Duit kerajaan juga.Korang tupun jangan-jangan belajar dekat university kerajaan.Haih,entahla.Lepas tu,aku ramai tengok wanita bertudung menyertai perhimpunan ini.Aku yang pakai tudung ni rasa malu juga.Aku faham engkau orang cuba menjadi wanita yang berani tapi ini bukan caranya.Bukan tu je,ada juga emak-emak yang bawa anak-anak dia orang join perhimpunan.Kesian budak-budak tu.Budak 5 tahunpun ada.Budak tu manala tahu apa-apa.Oh come on,janganla heret anak-anak engkau into this rally.

Aku rasa dioarang ni semua belajar sejarah.Penatla orang MELAYU dulu-dulu mempertahankan bangsa dengan negara kita tup..tup abad yang ke-21 ada orang yang mahu mengacau bilaukan negara ni.Aku ni belum lagi cukup umur untuk mengundi and akupun tak suka nak tulis pasal politik sangat.Inipun aku tulis sebab aku rasa macam kurang "enak" ye apabila ramai bangsa aku sendiri dalam perhimpunan tu.Engkau orang tahu ada satu "tempat" ni,diaorang tak ada langsung hak untuk bersuara.Kalau diaorang membantah pemimpin atau kerajaan mereka,diaorang kena tangkap and sampai muflis orang tu dia buat.

Bukan nak cakap apa,aku ni adala juga pergi tengok negara-negara orang,adala melawat sana sini tapi malaysia juga bagus.Nak tahu kenapa?Dekat sini,aku nak makan apapun boleh.Aku tak perlu nak rasa was-was.Kalau nak ke toilet,aku tak payah nak bawak baby wipe sebab ada paip.
Lagipun negara aku ni aman damai.Aku nak ke sana ke mari tak payah nak rasa takut.Ada satu "tempat",orang yang kaya-kaya je boleh masuk shopping mall.Dekat sini,tak kirala apa status engkau,masukla pavi ke,sunway ke,tak ada orang pun kisah.

Bila banyak merantau,aku banyak ambil ikhtibar.Dekat sini,aku boleh belajar senang lenang pakai duit kerajaan,dah habis aku belajar aku bayar balik.Kalau CGPA aku gempak jadila biasiswa.Tapi aku pelik bila Ada juga yang student kerajaan hantar nun sampai luar negara,nak sambung belajar.Tup..tup.. join perhimpunan.Hurmmm...entahla der.Hantar aku kat luar negara lagi bagus.

Ini adalah sekadar pendapat saya sahaja.Kalau ada yang sokong,itu hak anda,yang tak sokong itu hak anda juga.Sekian terima kasih.